Welcome to the first essay of this series. Today’s discussion will talk about one main enemy that you and I have in common; globalists. It is self explanatory as to why these types of people are our enemy but to fully understand their agenda, we must look into all sides of the equation. By this, I mean that we must look at where globalism came from and why it is an illogical concept applied to our world today.
Globalism (also known as Globalization) is a general concept that advocates for the idea that the world should be united as a whole in order to bring international trade benefits, pro-immigration policies, neoliberalism, consumerism, and radical changes to social relations between states. It was first introduced by the Silk Road that was meant to transport goods from the East Coast of Asia to the Caucasus and the Anatolian Peninsula, but throughout history the meaning of it has changed. A modern example of globalist advocates would be the United Nations and the European Union as they are huge advocates for immigration alongside with multiculturalism. However, these agendas have been pushed too far to the point where globalism ruins every nation as a whole, especially those countries that are part of the EU or the Western Hemisphere.
Now before we continue on we must ask ourselves one question, why do people prefer globalism over nationalism? The reason is that ever since the mid 1900s, there have been many cultural changes in the world that made people believe that by accepting cultural progression and accepting the international industries, there will be great changes made to the world (at least that’s what they think). After the Cold War, people started to distance themselves from the sense of nationalism mainly because they did not want to become isolated from the world thinking that they would benefit from foreign involvement including diplomacies in other nations. There are problems with this. The more you get yourself involved in other diplomacies, the more money is being spent into them which is not something beneficial to the nation that is establishing the diplomacy.
Let us take the example of the United States involvement in the Iraq invasion of 2003. The United States did not have a clear reason to invade the Middle East when there was no proof on “weapons of mass destruction”. Western propaganda was the one at fault here because it sparked the willingness of becoming imperialistic and greedy for another nation’s resources that is completely out of our business. As a result, more than $2 trillion has been spend in the US invasion of Iraq for no sole purpose. Likewise, the US has generally been involved in destabilizing both their and the Middle East as a whole which lead to a collapse of their economy. While it may not fall under globalism directly, it does in the long term. For example, if I collapsed the economy of another country and the result shows the need for homes of refugees, we would be forced by many people from our own nation to host refugees, mainly progressives who are invested in the idea of globalism. For this example, it would be partially my fault for hosting these refugees because my sense of nationalism is ruined by my involvement in other nations. However at the same time, the fault would also lie on the people who wanted my nation to have refugees in the first place because they are going against their origins. Hence, the moral of this is that becoming imperialistic will lead to chances of globalism as more citizens will become advocates for refugees which is something that a nation can not afford. That is why immigrants and foreign involvement are part of globalism to this day; globalists destroy a nation by transferring the population of one country to another. The financial resources and the cultural aspect of a nation will become ruined due to our foreign involvement in other nations which in other words, globalism is promoted.
Illegal immigration is another reason why globalists are the greatest enemies of humanity. This is not a human right because if you were to move into another nation but cause harm by spreading a degenerate society, you do not deserve to be in the nation. The only exception to immigration is if you are assimilated into the nation’s culture completely or if you are doing the good for the nation in terms of working hard and providing for your family. Nationalists understand this concept very well, but globalists are simply too ignorant of it. Reason being is that they think open borders is beneficial to a nation when actually it is not. A good analogy representing open borders is like leaving the front door of your house open to let strangers in. In fact, open borders will bring a high rate in crimes, drug trafficking, rise of rape, loss of jobs, increase in unemployment, overpopulation, and last but not least, the rise of multiculturalism and extreme race mixing. All of these tie into the factor denoting the low chances of improving a nation which is why immigration is best limited. A country should choose to serve its own people without affecting other nations which is why immigration is unnecessary at most times.
International trade although being a huge advantage for the industries of the world, has many problems to this day. Businesses of one nation prefer offshoring to the cheapest industries of the poorest economies in this world. These businesses are often the ones to advocate for globalism just so they can get cheap sweaty goods from the hands of hard workers receiving little to no income. They do this so they can take advantage of the lower costs of labor and resources. However these labor resources are no good to the workers of the industries. If factories of an industry were to be offshore, this puts workers out of their employment. Low class workers in China, Philippines, India, Pakistan and other developing countries have placed a huge burden on the workers in the Western World and we have placed a huge burden on them in return. Basically, international trade has allowed businesses to hire workers from developing nations who are of the lower class and are not able to receive proper compensation, not enough to provide for their loved ones. It is the sad truth, but it must be recognized by the world. We have been involved in too much international trade to the point where the jobs of our own people are suffering from unemployment and the people working for offshore businesses are suffering from long hours as well as little pay due to wage cuts by those companies. The efforts of every nation should not be ignored which is why nationalism would reject globalism. Businesses should understand that they have forgotten the values of the people from their country and also understand that they are using low class workers as slaves of the industry giving it an awful reputation. Aside from this, there is a chance of multinational power occurring within the modern world which is basically a corporation selling its goods or services internationally. When this happens, the traditional local business that are in the same area of the corporation gets destroyed due to the unfair competition between the corporation and small businesses. Hence, that multinational corporation is in complete control of another country’s economy basically. Do not support the large globalist multinational corporations but due support those small local businesses that offer the good to their customers.
Globalists also do not understand that when international trade is allowed, the finite resources of this planet start to deplete extremely quick. As more people are constantly wanting goods and services to be produced in other countries, there will not be enough resources/raw material over time to provide for goods and services. Resources such as trees are chopped down at a rate faster than what it was in the past. Our world burns more resources quickly than mother nature can replenish itself. Related to the offshoring of businesses, not only do those workers of industries get affected but so does the environment around. The results of the business fall into place as they destroy their surroundings. Remember, it is best that these advocates are aware of their surroundings instead of focusing on their profit. We are running out of time because there will be a time when all of our natural resources will be depleted.
In conclusion, globalism should be something that a nation should never strive to adapt. Whether if it is a developed or developing nation, you must provide for your own people and not place a huge burden on them. Due to the international influence of countries, every country will lose its value and will not be able provide for their own people. Therefore, our enemy is globalism.
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