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Zionists: The Enemies of Humanity

Writer's picture: Momin RahmanMomin Rahman

Salutations to all,

In this essay, I will briefly touch on the surface explaining the best reasons as to why Zionism is our greatest enemy at fault for causing our society to collapse. Most of these reasons come from historical events that range from attacks as well as hypocrisy being spread. Whether it be them invading Palestinian land or them controlling majority of the media today, they are the ones who are likely to use their religion and persecution of the Holocaust as an excuse in order to take advantage over every nation. Let us get started on this topic.

Zionism is the ideology which believes that the all Jews should be brought together under one nation and flag. It was first introduced by a Jewish Austrian Journalist in the name of Theodore Herzl who advocated for the migration of Jews into the state of Palestine and into the Western World, mainly the United States and Canada. While it may seem reasonable for the Jews to have one nation of their own, they caused the greatest problems humanity has seen since their presence and here are the reasons why. Originally under Ottoman occupation, there was religious peace and calamity between the Muslims, Christians and Jews that lived in Palestine. However after the Second World War, there were Jews from Europe that wanted to seek refuge after living under persecution, mainly from the Holocaust. Even way before the First World War, there were meetings held by Zionist members in Europe that wanted to find land that was suitable for the Jews. In 1897, the First Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland where they discussed the first homeland options. It is believed by many that there were options for land held in Uganda, Kenya, or Alaska that could host the Jews for settlement. However, these options were ignored by many Zionists and instead of those options, they wanted to settle in Jerusalem as it was claimed significant to the Jews. A reminder is that under the Ottoman occupation of Palestine all Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully together prior to British occupation. After The Balfour Declaration, the relationship between these faiths started to tense.

There are certain events that tie into the whole idea of Zionism. First is immigration policy. The Zionists hold the belief that where they settle should be never interrupted by immigrants but ironically, most Zionists in modern times believe that every other nation should open their borders. As we know, this is the definition of hypocrisy. You cannot force other nations to open their borders but claim that “Israel must defend its borders”. How does this happen? Basically, Zionists that live in other countries such as the United States are advocating for immigration in order to destroy the roots of the nation while the people back in Israel are striving for closed borders. Just about two months ago on the 20th of November, Benjamin Netanyahu did not agree to sign the Global Migration pact. This declaration says that one nation must host immigrants from the Middle East as well as Africa. Yet majority of the world is forced to agree the terms and conditions of the declaration. In that case, you would have to ask yourself this question; if everyone has taken the risk to accept refugees and provide them with necessities, why has Israel not taken part? In return, Israel has done nothing beneficial but forcibly opened the borders of Western Civilization bringing in people that do not belong to the West. For that reason, every country of the Western World should reject the policies of Zionism and start adapting an isolationist, non-interventionist, alongside with a realist policy in order to secure their borders. Second, the amount of foreign aid given to Israel by the United States is astronomical. To date, the United States has given nearly $200B of foreign aid to Israel, most of which are for military and production means. The United States should not waste its money on all types of foreign aid, especially the ones that provide Israel an economic boost because it gives us no benefit. By far, Israel is granted the most foreign aid compared to the rest of the world which is something to question.

From a historical perspective, there is much more going on in Zionism than as we see today. The first is The Balfour Declaration and how it brought independence to the Zionists. The Balfour Declaration was a document that was a letter written by Arthur James Balfour and was sent to the Zionist member of Lord Rothschild expressing Britain’s support for a homeland for the Jews to settle in Palestine. Ironically, Britain promised the Palestinians that their rights would be solely protected from any form of aggression. However after The Balfour Declaration was signed, Israel started to leech land off the Palestinians over time eventually leading to a full controlled occupation by the Zionists. Remember that the Jews were already given a good amount of land from Palestine back then so they can settle for themselves, but due to the Zionist movement, it took more land from the Palestinians. In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their homes and villages. One event that lead to this was the Deir Yassin massacre where Jewish militias brutally killed approximately 100 Palestinians including women and children. Due to the militias heavy aggression, Palestinians were forced to flee their homes and had to seek refuge in either Jordan or Lebanon. The moral here is that Zionists will take advantage over land and property by others. If they are given something, they would want more of it and would start to leech off communities. Now if you still do not believe me, keep on reading the following paragraphs.

The USS Liberty was another incident that makes the Zionists our greatest enemy. On the 8th of June 1967, Israeli Air Forces used jets as well as torpedo boats and attacked the USS Liberty ship as it was on the north of the Sinai Peninsula on international waters. Many believe that the incident was simply an “accident” caused by Israel. While it is somewhat true after Israel had repaid the United States after the accident, but this does not fully explain what truly happened on June 8 of 1967. When a squadron of Israeli fighter jets flew nearly 200 ft above sea level, crewmen that were aboard displayed the American flag to indicate the fighter jets that they were of no threat. However, they did not stop their attack. The ship was simply a technical research ship that did not carry much weaponry that was able to fight off Israeli torpedo boats as well as Mirage fighter jets. On top of that, the crewman even waved to Israeli forces yet they did not put an end to their aggression. Unfortunately, 34 crewmen were killed and more than 100 were injured. Again this is just from a historical perspective, but many CIA investigators after that day had a huge doubt that Israel accidentally attacked the USS Liberty even when the large flag colored in red, white, and blue was big enough for anyone to see. Some of the crewmen even stated that they did everything to wave to Israeli forces that they are not a threat. Nevertheless, they were still attacked and majority of the media during that time did not care about what actually happened during the event. So the next time someone claims that “Israel is our greatest ally” without any reference, ask them to read upon the USS Liberty incident and they will be in absolute shock.

A logical factor to think about when it comes to Zionism is that the Western World will silence anyone that opposes the Jews or Israel. If you use the media on a daily basis, you may notice that the administrators of social media will take down your expression if it “violates the community guidelines”. In other words if you criticize Zionism in a post or a comment, majority of ignorant modernist users will criticize you of being “anti-Semitic”. As said in the past by Voltaire, “to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. It is truly sad, and as Third Positionists we have to revolt against what they have done not just to the United States, but also to the rest of the world.


1 comentario

30 jul 2022

after looking very deeply i would have to agree

It seems that an ultra zionist movement wants this world exclusively for itself and their plan is well underway

In fact i have spoken to many Jews who agree and are very angry

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